This is a tricky one to navigate. I’ve been feeling some level of guilt for continuing to live and work as “normal” but, as long as I’m taking action outside of the day-to-day I believe I’m doing what I can. My business and my family need me to be well and caring for myself means these aspects of my life will be taken care of too. In holding (and being held by) my business and family, my hope is that I can maintain the capacity and energy to make a difference. For me, that’s less about being vocal and more about taking action, because I do better (mentally) with the latter. Petitioning, donating, contacting my MP (even though he’s useless), chatting with my daughter. She asked why I’m not voting for our local MP and it was an opportunity for me to open up about my feelings and what matters. It was a powerful conversation even though it was all very age appropriate. And I feel like guiding our children is one of the most important things we can do. There’s so much that’s outwith our control so I guess we have to focus on what’s within it? Sorry, I’m going on now…💛

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I really appreciate your words Sarah, I watched something the other day that talked about the difference between watching what’s happening in the world and ‘bearing witness’ …the latter asks is to take action and then helps us to not feel stuck and incapable in the face of the harm we’re seeing in the world. I think it’s an important differentiation and it feels like that’s what your speaking to here ❤️ we also need to feel resourced by the things that support us to keep being able to bear witness and keep taking action. And of course sometimes that balance is delicate as we’re all beautiful human - Thankyou so much for sharing, helps me unwrap another layer ❤️

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I’ve been feeling all this too Sara 💙

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Thanks Melody it means a lot to share the uncomfortable spaces with good people ❤️

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For me to find a new shape, I need to take care of my body in a new way and heal my relationships with family. These both feel VERY HARD. But I know they are the foundation for everything else.

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Thanks Rebecca these sound like foundational pieces and so worth your tending to, I hope you can go gently and easefully as you find your new shape.

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